
you guys are already much cooler than that forum in my opinion...
and jwoody, I do know a few people out there and I understand entirely about the whole DJ goose eggs thing... but the way I figure it. people in this industry get a lot more respect when you are from someplace "exotic" america may not be somewhat exotic but to people who have never been there *shrug* who knows?
I just know that I always see banners that are like "straight from the UK" or "fresh outta London!"
I realize in my head that its just a location, but it makes them seem more exotic, because its like "ooooh if I don't gt see him this time he may never come back and I'll have missed a chance of a lifetime"
yeah, I'm in Idaho, Idaho doesnt know what a DJ is, Doesn't know what mixing is.
its sad.
I was playing out on a somewhat regular basis in Spokane, WA though. (think mini-seattle)
anywhoo. I guess I'll post more here

thanks for the warm invite and the useful information