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Old 08-20-2003, 08:44 AM   #14 (permalink)
Location: Chicago
Originally posted by Bill O'Rights
It's not the "police" that tell you that you can't do's <b>me</b>...and every other citizen out there. <b>We</b> have decided what is acceptable and unacceptable to us, to the point that we have made some actions (say it with me, now) <i>illegal</i>. Illegal to the point that we pay a certain segment of our population a paltry amount of compensation to ensure that the rules that we have laid out are obeyed. These people are no better than you or I, except that they have offered to lay their lives on the line, if need be, to protect those that least appreciate what they really do.

If I may add something as well to this post. Every citizen has the right and, some may say, obligation, to uphold those laws ourselves. A citizen's arrest is just as binding as a police arrest, though many citizens may find it somewhat laughable at the concept of a citizen's arrest. Citizens who get involved often detain criminals before the police can respond. How often do we hear stories of ordinary citizens who prevented a criminal's escape? As you've said, it's <b>us</b> who have decided what's acceptable.
"I can normally tell how intelligent a man is by how stupid he thinks I am" - Cormac McCarthy, All The Pretty Horses
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