people are mostly talking about technique and not so much logistical planning, so here's a little. i will use the word "pussy" as it is all encompassing, i do not mean to offend.
i don't like to eat a pussy right out of the shower. the non-synthetic taste of real woman is absolutely amazing. if the scent and feeling turns you on, your sexual autopilot will turn on and you should be able to munch quite successfully based on the above or natural tactics.
HOWEVER, depending on the female's activity level of the day and probably race, it will probably be of some discomfort to you to eat day-old pussy. i know this will be very difficult to communicate to her, but try to find a way.
make sure she has a good experience, even if it doesn't work (she can't fake an orgasm if you're eating). if she doesn't finish, make absolutely sure she gets off manually or otherwise, as it may decrease your future chances to try again later.
do _not_, i repeat, do _not_ earn your "red wings." iron-rich vagina is bad. though maybe we should start a thread on that, i hear some guys like it.