I think many men simply don't get the concept of roleplaying during sex and see your playful resistance as an invitation to go caveman on you.
Can't stop thinking of the stories i read from women who told some guy they like to be tied up and end up being hideously abused...that shit just scares the hell out of me!
My advice would be to see if the guy really shares your specific fantasy or atleast has some moderate experience with power/control play. If not, count on being dissapointed.
I think many guys would get nervous in this situation and get unsure of how they're supposed to act (wich is ofcourse exactly what you don't want), so they compensate by getting extra rough.
I've had one relationship where me and my girl experimented with different types of power exchange- bondage, slavery, pain...in the end we figured we really just liked to have rough sex more than the whole mindgame around it.
Anyway, my point is, it was an ongoing process of trying stuff out, anticlimaxes and lots and lots of talking about it.
The longer we went the more we got tuned into each other.
I think the 'longer relation = better sex' rule goes even more for this type of sex.
-Life, liberty and the pursuit of hamburgers.
Last edited by isandro; 08-20-2003 at 02:17 AM..