"All men approach me, so I recieve them. All paths... lead to me." Bhagavad Gita 4.11
Confucius said, "In the world there are many different roads but the destination is the same. there are a thousand deliberations but the result is one." I ching, appended remarks 2.5
Say, we believe in god, and what has been reveale dto us, and what was revealed to Abraham, Ismael, Issac, Jacob, and the tribes, and in what was given to Moses, jesus, and the prophets from their lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and to God do we submit. Qur'an 3.84
And I (Jesus) have other sheep, that are not of this flock; I must being them also and they will heed my voice. So there will be one flock, one shepard. John 10.16
Anyone would be an idiot to take their faith at face value, thats just stupid, and they aren't true followers. What I wrote is an assortment of thoughts from four major world religions that sum up my beliefs. It doesn't matter so much what you believe, aslong as you live good and love others your doing good.
All religions believe the same thing, whose to say that "God" didn't reveal himself to different people in different ways. All the quotes above clearly show that all religions recognize that they are related, and that there are no outsiders, just people who are walking a different path to the same destination.
To win a war you must serve no master but your ambition.