I would definately go with the ability to stop time, as someone else posted, and still be able to move around when its stopped.. and be able to restart it at any time.
The key would be being able to stop time and still intereact with things.. like move someones drink ect.. or i'm sure people could some up with some more interesting uses=P
Unlike being invisble.. where someone could bump into you ect.. you could just stop time.. move around do what you need to do.. move back to where you were, or if you were smart you would only stop it when no one can see you.. otherwise theres pretty much no way to go back to the Exact same spot you were in.. and I think the difference would be noticable=P
I think it would be fun.. teehee
Edit: Of the 2 options given I would take invisibility, would be the next best thing to the time thing=)
Last edited by Booboo; 08-19-2003 at 02:24 PM..