I find wind farms asthetically pleasing. The only real drawback to them is they hamper bird migrations. A decent sized wind farm can be a more than substantial replacement or supplement to any power plant. And there are versions that work in moderate to low wind areas. Wind farms do work, and have been working for many years now. Given the choice most every american will pick a wind farm to be within sight rather than some fossile or nuclear powered plant in their environment. It is a fight either way and wind is the better option. As more and more are built it will become more acceptable.
Hydrogen goes boom very easily but so does Gas if exposed to a spark. You are sitting on a volatile mix either way. There are ways around that though. A safer hydrogen car would separate the hydrogen out of water as it is needed in a car's fuel tank. That way there is little to no combustible fuel in the vehicle at any point of an accident.
Yucca Mountain is not a perfect solution. It isn't nearly as stable as it needs to be and it NEEDS to be stable for about 10,000 years. We fill up Yucca mountain and some earthquake comes around (Which is common in that area) and the rad's get into the water table and then we have China Syndrome on our hands.
What we should be doing with the nuclear waste is reprocessing it and build a nuclear plant that can burn that reprocessed material, that way we will have a substantially smaller amount of material to deal with first.
Isn't it pretty?