Originally posted by j8ear
First off...solar and wind powers ARE exactly what needs further exploration. No question...to think the only solution is more power plants is absurd.
I'm all for reasearch. I'm not too optimistic about wind or solar power being a significant part of our national power production in the forseeable future. If they can then that's great, but it will take some major technological advances to make it even remotely practical. In the mean time, we need more power now, and by the time new power plants can be built, even without interference from protesters and local government, we will need it even worse. I absolutely agree that we need to be spending some cash on alternative energy, especially for fossil fuels in cars and coal-fired power plants. Alternative energy isn't going to be ready in the near future though, which is why we need to put up some new power plants asap, as well as improving the national electrical grid.