I have an ECS K7S5A motherboard with onboard sound, and it's just fine for me.
I'm running an XP 1900+ which runs at about 1.6ghz, with 512megs of ddr2100 ram, and i've never noticed any lack of performance during gaming (ut2k3 for example).
Infact, i had an old sblive Value card that i had to pull out because it didn't like my Radeon 9000 very much. I listen to music and play games with my system now without any problems. My motherboard has a line in for my CDRW drive, so I can play and rip cd's no problem now.
If it's a money thing, i'd reccommend holding off on the sound card.
although as many have said, it's easy enough to build the system first without a soundcard, and then disabling the onboard if/when you get an additional PCI soundcard.