Originally posted by Willy
If you think some incentives to buy solar panels is going to fix this problem, you are not in touch with reality.
First off...solar and wind powers ARE exactly what needs further exploration. No question...to think the only solution is more power plants is absurd.
It is so much more then the sum of it's parts though.
Concur 100% on Environmental Wackos (like green peace OR the EPA) and 'not in my backyard protesters.' They are a thorn in the side of progress and improvement. They are also a threat to the health and growth of our human family.
I would agree that a mix of alternative energy sources (wind and solar) AND additional production capacity of traditional sources (nuclear, coal fired, and natural gas burning) is what is needed.
We need more efficient ways to make it, to deliver it AND to consume it. All three must be met or nothing will improve.