Originally posted by Mr Mephisto
Good. Then don't bitch when the law comes after you.

Well, if you don't feel remorse because the prices are fixed too high and there is some poor quality, then do you assign the same criteria to other products?
How about stealing some clothes from the Abercrombie & Fitch. They're overpriced...
Or Nike? They're WAY overpriced and they exploit 3rd world workers.
I think some cars are far too expensive. Guess (using your argument) I can go out and make off with them because, ye know, they're not really up to
This is not an entirly
valid argument. When you steal something the owner no longer has the item. When you infringe copyright, the copyright owner doesn't actualy lose anything tangable, but you HAVE voilated thier rights.
This is a fundemental diffrence. Stealing a car is theft. Copying a CD is not. They are both illegeal, but are two compleatly diffrent crimes, the main diffrence being that copying, by definition only deprives the copyright owner of any money you would have paid had you been forced to either pay or go without.
The penalities for copyright infringement in a not-for-profit sece are far to strong.
That being said, I never have bought a CD, and never will. I am not really a music person, and only ever listent to radio (streaming, usualy)