Mr.Self D-Spanking, you got it!!
People who do stuff like that need their ass kicked.
I have tried tracking them down myself, but had no luck. Also I don't do any kinda "murder for hire" work, sorry.
Once people start asking...they just can't stop.
The best way to avoid razor burn is to use a top of really good shaving cream, not the cheap stuff, and take your time!!
Jadzia-Once again they are hoping that the general public is easily fooled by false advertising.
juan- I am 5'9" and 130 lbs.
sbscout-You get an "F" for research young man.
Mael-There is really no comparison to the two. I enjoy both throughly.
BoCo-Whatever it takes to make you happy, and then some....
Wrkime-What are we talking about? Then I might be able to help ya out.