Irrisponsible reporter:
Well, This morning I get a phone call from a Reporter asking if Relitives of Ben Vonhardenberg were avalible. I just respond yes as my fathers name is Bon Vanhardenberg and people constantly think its a typing error and correct it from Bon to Ben. She tells me she is writing a tribute page of his life in tomorrows paper. I say what, my fathers name is Bon VANhardenberg not ben. She asks if he was a Pilot and I respond no, hes an oceonographer. She justs says okay, bye. Now, it didn't hit me during the conversation but my father has been in the Artic as a scientist on one of the Canadain Coast Guard vessels for the last two weeks and I haven't heard much from him. There have been a few deaths in Helicopter Crashes and Machine Accidents over the years so, I start to get worried and try his Sattalite Phone (which is not usualy on) and send him an Email. I call my mother and tell her what happened and she suggests I try the coast guard. I get ahold of the local base in Victoria and they connect me to regonail enquires, I explain whats happened and the operator calls up the nothern station and confirms there have been no reports of any incidents on his ship. I feel better now but I still want to hear from him in person to know hes alright. Really freaked me out though and I can't imagine that the actual relitives of Ben Vonhardenberg would like to be called at home by reports as such a time. There is nothing really to discuss here, just sharing my story as im still worked up about it.