Originally posted by Jdermit101
He took a bunch of verses way out of context, like saying that the Bible says Jesus wasn't God because Paul called him a man.
How was this taken out of context?
"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." Leviticus 20:13
What does this mean to you? Tell me that I'm wrong if you think I am, but that means that god hates gay men and wishes death upon them! If you believe in the bible and follow this faith you're saying you believe in everything the bible teaches.... So how many gay men have you killed lately?
This is exactly what drives me insane about religion. When there's a part of the bible someone doesn't want to believe in they just act as though it doesn't even exist. Well, it does exist and how can you claim to be a believer in faith if you don't believe in every word of the bible. I don't really care what else the bible may say because that sentence is enough to make me vomit. The ignorant thing about that sentence above is it is on many religious sites that hate gays. They love it and teach people and their kids to hate gays. Religion spreads more hate than anything else I've ever encountered in my life and I will never be a part of it.