I have been doing Atkins for 3 months now and have lost over 33 pounds. At first I felt like shit as my body was detoxing and I just didnt have the energy to train hard. Once my body got over it's glucosis and entered Lipolysis (burning fat for energy) my endurance skyrocketed. The longer I hiked or ran, the more energy I obtained from my gut, and the smaller it got.
Dr. Atkins also explains that since your body is getting so much protein that your body does not burn lean muscle but rather fat, both in the food you eat and in the stored fat on your body.
I went on a backpacking trip about 2 months into the diet and managed 14-16 miles a day with ease without Cliff bars or other energy bars, just some meat, cheese, nuts and water.
Wonderful feeling, I'd recomend it for everyone, but you have to read the book to understand your body and whats going on, dont go by a friend of a friend, do your homework and do it right and it will work.