Thanks for the link, jwoody.
There was an interesting article (#13) below that one.
And this from the other day (for anyone following my discussion regarding discursive practices, note the language used):
Once again, trigger-happy, nervous US soldiers have gone on the rampage in Iraq killing nearly 20 innocent Iraqi civilians in less than a week.
The latest incident occurred August 11 after a power generator blew up, plunging several Baghdad neighborhoods into darkness, according to the Associated Press.
Within a time span of just 45 minutes six Iraqi civilians traveling well before the 11 pm curfew, including three children, were gunned down by heavy machine gun fire from US troops. Iraqi eyewitnesses told reporters that US troops continued to fire into the cars despite cries from the women in the cars that they were an innocent family. Eyewitnesses also reported parts of human skull and brain dashed all over the interiors of the cars.