Originally posted by giblfiz
oh oops, allow me to clarify, not player piano the reasonably good book by Kurt Vonnegut (I sort of forgot about that one when I posted)
I'm talking about this really dumb book they made us read about some poor family in Mississippi who owned a player paino, as a family heirloom and wouldn't sell it but liked to fight about selling it.
Its possible that it was called "the piano" but I'm pretty sure it was called "player piano"
I have nothing against the Vonnegut book, which I forgot holds a greater sway on the namespace everywhere but my high school.
oh yeah, and the scarlet letter, as well as everything else by hawthorn sucked. I don't like most fiction about puritans
Edit: My bad. I found it and I was totaly wrong about the name, its called "the piano lession" I was confused because the piano they have is a player piano. Its by August Wilson and some idiot gave it a pulitzer prize.
Oh, thank the lord. Player Piano is about the future where machines have taken jobs away from people and it's sort of a dystopia, etc. Standard Vonnegutian brilliance. I will, of course, steer clear of
The Piano Lesson.