08-18-2003, 07:30 AM
#4 (permalink)
Re: Re: Infrastructure vote.
Originally posted by j8ear
This is probably the only reasonable portion of that entire posting.
Energy has a been a BIG PROBLEM in this country for a long time. EPA and other federal buearacracies, as usual, have made acomplete mess of the just about every single one of our public utilities.
Policies inacted, and enforced which made it profitable to keep old, inefficient, heavily polluting, production centers on line with specific disincentives to upgrade are what comes from our federal government.
Bush talked about energy (oil, electr, and nat gas) quite a bit during his ellection campaign but seems to have been somewhat side tracked with the oil part of it. ALSO IN CRISIS mind you.
This 'issue' is not a dem/rep issue it is an ever growing, out of control, special interest controlled, unaccountable, bottomless check book having, pandering government problem. And it's all ours.
IT WILL NOT GET BETTER IF THE STATUS QUO REMAINS. Both the republicans and the democrats are the status quo. They are garbage and disgusting. We need change.
Why aren't we harnessing solar power. Imagine a roof covered in solar panels which could drive fans, heat water, store light for use at night. It seems so simple, but largely under researched. It seems so logical?
You can try and blame this on any "Admininstration" and you will fail.
You know I just re-read that posting above....and who gives a crap what the rebuplican legislator defeated, or the current administration opposed.
Shitty, special interest-laden, pork barrell funding legislation gets shot down all the time. Once in a while it works as it should
Are you somehow asserting that passage of this legislation would have prevented last weeks occurance? To think so is ABSURD....completely absurd.
Dude. Ease OFF. The poster made no assertions or statements of opinion whatsoever. What you choose to infer and subsequently go off about is all on you. You've been better lately. Don't go all nuts again.
it's quiet in here