Thread: Free Will
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Old 08-17-2003, 11:10 PM   #65 (permalink)
sub zero
Location: The one state that doesn't have black outs: TEXAS BABY!!!
Here's how I explain free will.

You're watching a recording of a burglary. You see every action they take. You've seen this tape several times, so you already know how it ends. The burglars, on the other hand, didn't know exactly how everything was going to pan out when they started robbing the place. They had free will to make decisions as they saw fit.

This explains free will.

In this scene, you played god. Just because you watched the tape doesn't mean you made any decisions for them, and it doesn't mean that what they did was predestined. When they were making their decisions, it was 'free will'.

God already saw your recording, but, as far as you know, you're still making the videotape. You're still having free will and doing what you want. To understand this, you have to accept the fact that 'GOD' is something that exists on every plain, in every moment of space and time, past and future.

“But what if I don’t believe in god?”

Then what are you doing worrying about free will in the first place?
Did you Google it yet?

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