Depending on what you want to use it for, they're good, reliable machines. It depends, though, if you want it for general websurfing, Photoshopping, or games. If you wanted it for games, I'd stick with the PC due to sheer numbers. For the other two, though, the Powerbooks should work well. I'd wait about a month, though, since the rumors have been circulating about updates across the line (or at least to the 15") soon.
I'm not sure what happened to SiphonX, but in all the Macs I've worked with, I've never had any significant problem of note. On a side note, though, the next update of OS X, Panther, while not being optimized for 64 bit procs, is tweaked to run faster on the new G5. Also, they have a year long return policy, so I don't know where you got your mac(?)