Originally posted by lurkette
I really wish the armed forces would acknowledge when they make fuckups like that, instead of saying they "engaged" a reporter. I know it's early and they probably still have to issue an official statement, but it would go a long way toward appeasing people if they'd take responsibility for their actions. Doesn't sit well with a lot of people, I'm sure, that the journalist was Palestinian to boot. What a mess.
"They tried to help him but Mazen bled heavily. Mazen took a last breath and died before my eyes."
They say engaged because they didn't know the entire story about what happened. Before they want to make an official statement they want to make sure they have everything settled in house first. Otherwise, the media spins a million different stories with ten different quotes.
We don't know why the troop shot, so that's the first thing the army tries to find out in a situation like this, for not just us, but for themselves.