Originally posted by holtmate
Prophecy - A couple of years ago, ShaneO was feuding with the Big Slow, and kept taunting him with lines like "Which way did he go?" ala Looney Tunes.
I see!! Okay, that is kinda funny and whatever happened to The Rock? I miss the thing he and Y2J had going on for a while, that was down right funny. As far as the Chamber and HHH goes,
1)I hope HHH can drop the belt and be gone for a decent amount of time
2) Nash-hole gets smacked around by Y2J
3)HBK superkicks the hell out of HHH
4)Y2J leaves with the gold
I don't expect it to happen, but hell a guy can wish can he?
oh and what is up with the hair vs hair match? that just sounds like a stupid idea all around to me... Bring back something fun like the pig pen match or the casket match a la The Undertaker, or the Four corners match... You know the one where they tie the guys together with a strap and in order to win, u have to tag all fours corners without being interrupted.