<b>Also, HarmlessRabbit, the problem with letting the masses decided an issue is that the masses are often WRONG. In a society all too often the group thought reationale takes over and people become unable to make a rational decision on their own: Nazi Germany, Slavery, lynch mobs etc.</b>
"the masses are often WRONG" is an interesting attitude. I've heard Ashcroft say as much in justification of the PATRIOT act and the new VICTORY act. If the masses are wrong, who decides what is right?
Allowing gay civil marriage is really a financial and symbolic issue more than anything. Pulling the Nazi card is pretty unfounded here. Homosexuals are perfectly free in this country to choose a religion that allows them a religious union, to exchange rings, and to call themselves married to their friends. What we are really talking about here is access to partner benefits (something many large companies already offer), access to government benefits (like higher taxes, woo!), and the comfort that the US government supports their relationship.
As I said, I believe the issue is best decided state-by-state because, in my opinion, it's not that big of a deal. I support gay marriage, but I think the public should decide.