When I graduated from University I had interviews with a few different companies. One company required only the best GPA's work their (funny enough I ended up working there for 6 months as a contractor a couple of years later). One required quite a high GPA. I wasn't called back for either of those jobs but was not sure I would have wanted to work for those companies anyway.
I am a firm believer that GPA does not matter. Sure a base or average GPA at least says that you went to school, but school performance does not equal work performance. Some people can coast through Uni and have no work ethic. Others have a tough time at Uni but have an amazing work ethic.
The company I finally got hired on at, did look at GPA but only to a point. They were a small company and hired on personality and how well that employee would gel with the other employees. Perhaps that was the difference. Small companies want employees that will work well together. Big companies don't have the time to do that so they look at GPA as a larger part of hiring.
Don't be irreplaceable - if you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted!