LOL hilariouse jokes ppl!I work as a vet gonna tell that to the girls..catscan,labresults..i love,love!
A friend told me this one..I dont know if I can recall it proplery..:
3 men were out fisihing on a lake. All of a sudden one of the men's line went taut and he yelled out:
" I cant hold her!"
and the fish pulled him in before the others could help.
"Oh No! Fred! Hes not resurfacing!"
So one of the men dove in while the other waited patiently. After 2 long minutes of waiting out came two men.
"Grab him Paul! Help him into the boat!"
Quickly Paul grabbed the man and Fred exclaimed:
" Hes gone purple, blue and green! Hurry!"
So Paul began giving CPR, while he was doing this Fred said:
"Funny...I dont remember George ever wearing a scubadiving outfit..."