Originally posted by Sty
A historical tidbit:
Your first amendment was never meant to be that liberal it is nowdays. It was originally devised to protect the political news pampleths of the ruling minority. _NOT_ to protect individual peoples right of free speech etc...
I'm no constitutional scholar...but this reads like the biggest load of crap I have seen in a while.
It was concieved (as were most ammendments to the constitution ) as a personal individual liberty which with ALL men are created, AND gauranteed by the ammendment.
Pampleteers and political speech exclusively is NONSENSE.
As for internet filtering... It IS CENSORSHIP and it is disgusting. I don't give a crap who the potential "Victim" is.
Booking banning. Absolutely NOT. Hitler, Stalin, whoever...Just as those books deemed "extreme" might spur some to undesirable action....It will just as likely prevent it, I believe.