Actually, I think the Shane-o vs. Bitchoff match is a GOOD idea. Its just not played out correctly.
I think the writing team is just barely eluding to the fact that Shane-o was the first WWF/E persona to appear on WCW's Nitro. When the RAW/Nitro dualcast happened, it was all Shane-o all the time. Even though Bitchoff wasn't there at the time, anyone who saw a Nitro show would at least know of him. So this would be some sort of closer, of the old and new or something.
So anyway, thats my explanation for the Shane-o/Bitchoff angle. And based on all of Shane-o's promos, especially right when Bitchoff was being brought into RAW, he's never had anything good to say. "Parasite" this, and "Destroyer" that.