Not sure i follow all of your assumptions. Namely that God must be all-powerful to be God. But moreover, this assumption doesn't add much to the question of why worship. So i'll skip it.
First, you need to ask what worship is. For some people, it's an exercise in self rightiousness, where they idolize themsleves and conflate their rightiousness with God's. They sing praises to God's name, but have themselves in mind. For them, the why is because they love hearing pretty words about who they are.
For others, it's about self-flagellation...listing their failures and disengaging from God because they're "too bad" or "too weak", etc... For them, the why is probably because they've come to crisis in their idenity and fear rejection.
And sometimes, people come to worship out of gratitude for all that God is doing in the world, and to celebrate the deep love that God has shown. For them, the why is simple: it makes sense to say thank you for this amazing gift. They come to be reconciled to this love, to remind themselves that they have choosen to live in it's blessing.
And these are just three that i thought of off the top of my head-all ones i've done at somepoint or another. Mind you, i don't really suggest the first two, but i thought it might be better to be realistic. It's like asking why someone has a conversation with a loved one: there are as many answers as there are conversations. Each one has a different motivation.... And sometimes it's a fight, sometimes it's just joking around...and sometimes it's as serious as can be...