I think the episode of the simpsons called H.O.M.R. (might be diff ep ) shows it best when hes got that crayon up his nose and moe shoves it back in
I get them sometimes, others not, ritz camera seemed to have a good deal on theirs , i could run the camera over with the car, and so long as i brought in a part with the serial number on it, they'd give me a new one, of course i never got to try it, and my camera died a week after the extended warranty ran out
i thought best buys warranty was good, but ive seen a lot of people rag on it, don't know why, i got it on my hp laptop, for the first year it basically seems instead of overnite to hp and back , its going to be two weeks to get it repaired, if needed.
Insurance is a gamble, the house always wins they say.