I'd just like to point out that officially the United States does not have or maintain chemical or biological WMD, winky winky. Those weapons that we had to destroy didnt actually belong to us, they belonged to some other country. We were mearly holding on to them to keep them in safe keeping until we could return them to their rightfull owners, winky winky. Oh no, the only WMD that the US officially has and maintains are nukes, and lots of of them. Of course, this is sort of overlooking a few minor details, like the fact that our 22,000 ton fuel air bombs have effect as a small nuke only without all that nasty radiation making them conventional weapons not WMD, and the fact that some of our small tactical nukes can be contained within a 50ft by 50ft room and even leave most of the paint left on the walls, but hey they are still nukes so they must be WMD. But no chemical or biological weapons here, not in the US, they arent ours, we are just holding on to them for someone, out there, somewhere.