I'd like to add gaim (
http://gaim.sf.net/) to the list of IM programs. It's like Trillian, but doesn't cost anything and is less clunky (in my opinion). It also supports many IM networks at once. It comes for Windows and Linux.. it's just great hehe.
KaZaa Lite K++ (not KaZaa) is a requirement.
Bittorrant doesn't have any spyware, although the GUI it uses may (highly doubt it though). Not sure what EDonkey has. I don't think having bittorrent and edonkey when you already have KaZaa gives you any more advantages, although I could be wrong. I know BitTorrent is used (among other things) between tapers to share concerts that they've recorded. That kind of specific stuff may apply to you in you want to be part of it.
ironx, well done on the summary!
edit: I kan't spel