Blunts are THE way to go if you're smoking with a big cirlcle. I don't have much to add to the other techniques. I never use honey, just slop on the saliva and it always does the trick. I'll have to try the honey way sometime though.
If you can't find any Philly cigars try Century Sams. They're a very cheap cigar that will do the trick and they're available at most convinience stores here on the east coast of Canada.
Another thing my friends and I do are buy these mini-cigars called Mignon or Minion. We hollow em out without cutting it down the center and then just pencil stuff the pot into it. Good for a blunt between a few peeps.
They have some awesome blunt wraps at the local head shop, "Mary Jane's Smokeshop"

They come in a bunch of different flavors - blueberry, chocolate and sour apple just to name a few.
Edit* Just noticed the blades question. Basically you roll the weed, crystal or hash into little balls about the size of a lady bug. Take some stainless steel knives and wedge the ends of them between the coils on a stove. Put it on high and wait for them to heat up. When they're ready - using the hot tips - lightly tap the hot part of the blade on one of the balls and the sandwich the ball between the 2 hot blades. This is going to produce alot of smoke very qucikly so use a funnel or something to catch it all if you're having trouble.