Actually I did some hairstyling for a bit and was a lot better at theory than actual hand-work. Basically you have a trapezoid-like face, to bring it more towards an idyllic oval you may want to grow your sides a bit. Right now you sort of have a very European shape to your face, which is fine but you may want to have less of a tapered "dome" look to your forehead. You will accomplish this by having more hair at your front/sides. Try playing with photoshop or a photo similar to yours that has more there, and see what you think.
Also as someone mentioned, specific changes such as highlights, spiking, etc, depends on what sort of fashion statement you want to give off (in terms of personal character/emotion) to people who meet you. Right now it says businesslike/curt/no-fuss.
So it's up to you. Good luck with it! You seem to have good quality roots and ends.