I returned from our vacation in West Virginia. Morgantown
was home to my first Bw3s.( Buffalo Wild wings). I swore they had the best wings I've ever eaten.

Underline had.

It had been 7 years since I've been there.
Give them credit the restaurant was still open but the fun and atmosphere were gone

Tuesday was 30 cent wings and Wednesday was 30 cent legs. Still a value. But dammit the wings were small

More like pigions or sparows. The flavor didn't seem to be there either.
So I will continue to search for the very best. Mine are close and some of the recipies given out by tfp members rocked too!
But after driving 1145 miles to get there the let down made me cry. Even my daughter said she was glad I paid the bill and not her.
I'll be moving there within 5 years maybe I need to wake up that old party town. I'll open my own place. Anyone want to kick in a few bucks and be a limited partner???