I'll mostly parrot everything that people here have said, and pay a special nod towards tj2001cobra's post. The friends you have besides your best one, if they really wanted you to be happy, would at least encourage you to think over and look at the opportunities, and not be jealous, retarded fucks trying to make you do something their way.
It will be difficult, far more than you think to help run an operation. I don't mean that in a discouraging way. I mean it in a way that will really build you, make you think constantly of how to improve worker relations, cash flow, the paper sides of the business, everything. But when you get your check in hand, you know exactly what it took to get there and that YOU were responsible for the outcome.
When you get some salaried job, all your expenses are pretty much taxeable, no one really cares how much work or how much extra work you do, or how much of your knowledge/foresight/input saved the company. Some higher up will take the credit for your work, and you get your pathetic taxed check in at the end while sucking up. But you can be mostly braindead while doing it and forget about your job after 5pm, depending on your position.
It's your choice, I'm fairly biased but I say go with the rewarding challenge rather than the "easy way out". Listen to your gut and congratulate your best friend. Then start learning the business and get ready to do some work.