The most disturbing thing I ever saw happened some years ago. I was a cop in the Air Force stationed in North Dakota in 1991. We were out at the missile fields when we got a call that someone had injured himself at one of the launch facilities. As we were driving there, we were told to back off because they were sending a medical helicopter to bring him back to base. Apparently he drilled a hole in his hand, but that's not the point of this story.
10 minutes later, we were called to search for the helicopter since the base lost radio contact. We drove around for about 10 minutes before we saw a small plume of smoke out in a field.
When we arrived, the helicopter (a Huey) was a crumpled mess no taller than me. I won't go into detail what we saw. There had been 4 people on it and no one survived. The most disturbing was the medical technician who apparently realized what was happening and tried to jump out of the helicopter as it was falling. There were four of us immediately on scene. One of them was so disturbed by what he saw that he woke up screaming 4 nights in a row after that until we finally had him relieved of duty. We were ordered to undergo counseling to deal with what we witnessed. I couldn't watch horror movies for a number of years after that.
"I can normally tell how intelligent a man is by how stupid he thinks I am" - Cormac McCarthy, All The Pretty Horses