Hmmmm, how should I start this. Well I have a couple of smaller extra nipples below my regular ones(that's a sentence you don't hear every day).
I'll start with a picture.
Ok, now you see. The problem I have is if I should have them removed or not. Sometimes I think they are cool in a way, I know that they are as useless as the first pair but they make me pretty unique. When I was in my teens they tended to make me verry self-aware and they still do but not as much. My friends and family are aware of them but I've never realy spoken about it since I belive that they either are wierded out by them or think that I would be ashamed to talk about it (my late grandfather on my mothers side also had these so I know where I got them from). I guess some girlfriends have seen the and wonderd but same thing there, no talking about it.
There are a few of questions:
1. Is this wierd or what?
2. If you where in my situation would you have them removed?