Summary of Rick McCallum webchat from yesterday.
McCallum’s comments appear in red.
Sidious/Palpatine has a much more substantial role in Episode III for obvious reasons!
It has the same emotional depth as ESB, and yet because there are so many new planets, it is visually one of the most ambitious films we've done.
On the surface, the film ends on a sad note (and for me, a personally gloomy one, because I'll be out of a job), but of course, we know where the story goes from there. Anakin is the Chosen One, after all.
"Can you tell us if Tarkin will appear in Episode III?"
Officially, I can't answer that. Yet I can't say no either.
Yes, we've shot three major lightsaber battles. I've just left the stage where we have an underwater tank where we're shooting Obi-Wan fighting with droids.
"hey rick! can you tell us just one word that darth vader says in episode III?"
How about three words? "I don't fear..."
"Does George explain all of Anakin's injuries in this film?"
Yes, except for one.
"Does Ep. III answer all questions, or are there any left for the books to answer?"
It answers the questions you have, but it may raise a few new ones too.
The opening battle's in space only, not land.
"Have you filmed the Obi-wan/Anakin fight yet? I hear its really going to be something..."
Only pieces of it, not the main action yet.
"Will we see Kamino in Episode III?"
"When will Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca) begin filming?"
March of next year.
"Can you tell us anything about the OT being released on DVD?"
It's gonna happen.
"Will there be an underwater battle in Episode III?"
Not battle, but a fight.
"Will we ever see clip(s) of Dooku using 2 lightsabers from Episode II? What are the chances of him using 2 in episode III?"
Only one in Episode III... but there is someone out there who has two... and he's bad.
"Will we see many Jedi die in Episode III, or just a notable few?"
"How might this affect the rating of the movie?"
Too early to tell.
"Will we see a scene involving the naming of Darth Vader and why he is named that?"
"Will there be a volcanic setting in Episode III?"
They've just put a muzzle on me.
"Will we see Mace Windu in any form of space action?"
That's an interesting way of putting it. Yes.
"Can you give us any hints on to who the EU character might be?"
Can't go there yet.
We need Joel (Uncle Owen) for a day's work, which will be done next year.
"Will we see Palpatine/Darth Sidious in any sort of 'action' or at least 'awesome display of dark side power' scene in Episode III?"
Yes, most definitely
Beru will appear.
"Will there be any dreadlocked Wookiees in Episode III?"
Only because of your screen name will I answer this. Yes.
"How do you think most fans will feel about Anakin's eventual downfall? Saddened, shocked, anrgy or betrayed? How did you feel upon reading the script?"
Yes. All of the above.
"In regards to Chewbacca's role in Episode III, will it be obvious that it's Chewie? And will his role add more depth to his character in the classic trilogy?"
Even though we haven't shot it yet, I think I can say yes
"Will David Prowse be back to play the Dark Lord?"
Absolutely not.
"The latest rumor is that the title of Episode III will be BIRTH OF AN EMPIRE. Are we close?"
Not even close.
"Does Jar Jar survive this film?"
Yes. His next job will be Bush's Foreign Minister.
"I really worded my last question badly. What I'm getting at is, ‘Is Palpatine Darth Sidious?’"
This movie answers that question conclusively.
"Will Kit Fisto use a double headed lightsaber in Episode III like he does in the clone wars sketches?"
No, he doesn't.
"Will there be any issues with the Sith statement, ‘Only two there are, master and apprentice’ in this film?"
The statement remains true.
"Is Padme a senator throughout the whole movie?"
"Is Rose Byrne returning as Dorme in ep. 3? Thanks!"
Sadly no. She's working opposite Brad Pitt in TROY right now.
"Has Anakin's Turn to the dark side been shot yet? If so is it cool!"
It's a two-hour turn to the dark side.
"Does Boss Nass appear in Ep.III?"
"How old are Luke & Leia at the end of Episode 3???"
Less than a month old.
"Do we see Padme pregnant in the film?"
"Are any female jedi going to be seen fighting in Episode 3?"
"Will we see Yoda fighting again in EP3 or will it kinda happen off screen?"
Yes. Full on-screen.