I was on Accutane, so I know a good amount about it.
Blood tests are given before you even start and while you are on it to insure that your liver (enzymes) function properly. Like another poster mentioned, depression is a side effect. That didn't occur with me, although while I was on it I remember a story about a kid on Accutane comitting suicide. He had been taking it for a year and in a larger dosage than I. My total treatment time lasted 6 months and cleared up my acne incredibly. If anyone has a questions on the power of accutance, i'll post a before and after if i can find one. Accutane was prescribed as a last resort, I was on Benzemyacin topical gel, erythromyacin antibiotic pills for a few months, then Retin-A cream before making the decision for Accutane.
Edit: Anyone on Accutane will have pretty dry lips. I definitely lived on chapstick.