My worst breakup was actually from my shortest relationship. I broke up with a girl I was dating in college because all she ever did was complain. She never had a positive thought about anyone or anything and I just couldn't take it anymore. I sat down with her one night and told her how I felt. She seemed to take it well.
A few weeks later, my phone, power, and cable tv were all shut off. When I went to have them reconnected, the utility boards said that I had asked to have them turned off because I was moving. Somehow she had my social security number and had them all cancelled. She also had my Visa check card reported stolen, slashed my tires, spray painted my house, impersonated me online, padlocked my house, filled my mailbox with caulk, and poisioned my trees. I called the police on each incident, but they refused to do anything because of lack of evidence. They finally issued a restraining order against her when my video camera caught her in the act of taking a shit in the back of my pickup truck. I haven't heard anything out of her in quite some time, but I'm always looking over my shoulder. PSYCHO