Scan stuff into Cad?
I got a shapening shop and we have alot of customers who send in Wood samples they send in and want custom router bits made up. Drawing up this kind of stuff is kinda a pain when u gotta draw up 10 of them in 8 hours. You gotta sit there with radius guages and calipers and measure everthing. I can never get all that is needed Done so i want a new way.
A friend of mine has a scaner. So he let me borrow it and i took a few Samples home. Took a pensil and trased around the sample and scaned it saved it as a wmf file cuz i knew autocad would import it. Get into autocad and bring it in. Its off scale like a mile so it takes a few mins 2 get it on size. Then the lines on the scan are so big when put in Cad it makes 2 diffrent lines close 2 geter. And nothing is close 2 strait.
I did this for about a year and want a new way that brings the drawing in a little better quality. lemme know if anyone knows a way or even a idea of a way.
tks )