You can only set it up for 30 minute chunks of time, if memory serves (ie: you're allowed to log in between 8:30 and 9:00, but nothing else - or - you're not allowed to log in between 14:00 and 16:30, or between 20:00 and 23:30, but any other time is good).
Still, it is good for playing tricks on people. Just find someone who always shows up at the same time in the morning and set their computer to not allow them to log in then.
But I agree with giblfiz: If you've got teenagers, why don't you trust them enough to use the computer without you? If you're scared of them looking at porn - it doesn't hurt (hasn't hurt me), plus they'll find other ways of doing it. If you want to monitor who they talk to online, that's just childish. Let the kids have some freedom, but instill in them a sense of responsibility (ie: don't tell them your real name, or your address, or other contact info unless you trust them).
Eat antimatter, Posleen-boy!