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Old 08-14-2003, 02:06 PM   #26 (permalink)
is a shoggoth
Location: LA
Wow, Deja Vu to slashdot. but I guess that's to be expected in the computers forum.

I'm going to to be straight with everyone, I am a flaming pirate. I have a large mp3 collection and I have never bought many CDs. before fileshareing I just didn't listen to much music.

As Mr M pointed out copyright violation is illegal, but it is not actually a crime. It is a breach of contract, there is a rather significant difference. In this particular case I feel little to no guilt over my breach of contract because I feel that I was bamboozled in the first place. Further since the RIAA has been found guilty of price fixing on more than one occasion, something which, more than a breach of contract is actually a crime, and they have never been punished for it, or prevented from doing it again, (which they are clearly doing) I feel that downloading music is a little closer to vigilantly justice than anything else.

On a Larger scale the Intellectual Property laws in this country have gone way out of whack. In particular the advent of the Internet truly requires a massive and realistic reassessment of IP law which is quite impossible. As it stands right now the IP law reflects neither reality nor justice. In a world where printing and distribution are difficult the IP laws as they stand were sane (if with the incessant copyright extensions a bit unfair) but with the advent of digital reproduction your looking at a different situation.

Regardless of the law the music industry is going to need to change their business model a bit. Quite honestly I don't know what they are thinking at the moment anyway, a CD sale has almost no overhead per sale (though there is a significant amount of overhead per title) so they should want to drop there prices quite low in order to sell a whole lot of CDs. Instead CD prices are insane I was in a store about 3 weeks ago and saw a DVD selling for $14.75 and its soundtrack selling for $21.50. That sort of thing simply isn't rational. If they dropped there prices to $3 an album they would make a killing.

Anyway, I'm rambling ranting, and leaving my argument open to a lot of counter attacks. But then, thats sort of the spirit of debate, now isn't it.
Use the star one and you'll be fighting off the old ones with your bare hands
-A Shoggoth on the Roof
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