Rules are made by those in power to keep themselves in power. The RIAA is in power and has created a warped system that serves themselves and protects themselves. There's no reason to have musicians making hundreds of millions of dollars off of a slightly catchy hit that someone else wrote and they spent two weeks in a studio recording. There's even less reason to have record exec's making hundreds of millions because they own the promotion and distribution channels and have tweaked the market so that it is no longer free.
Arguments like "if nobody paid for music, artists would stop recording" are total BS. I'm a musician (dare I say "recording artist") and the most I've ever made in a year off of record sales and royalties was about $7000. I was psyched, but it brought no change in the ammount of music I produced. When the money dried up, the music didn't.
Downloading is stealing IF you buy into their system.