"The punishment for violations of this law can be severe. The West German subsidiary of Digital Equipment Corporation was fined $1.5 million for allowing sophisticated computers to be shipped to the Soviet Union. Toshiba Machine Tool Company of Japan sold milling machines to the Soviet Union to make ultraquiet submarine propellers. The technology for the milling machines was licensed to the Japanese company by a U.S. company and sale to the Soviet Union was forbidden. Besides sanctions against Toshiba in Japan for violation of Japanese law, the U.S. Trade Bill of 1988 specifically banned all government purchases from Toshiba Corporation, parent company of Toshiba Machine Company, for three years. The estimated losses were approximately 3 percent of the company's total exports to the United States annually."
Sorry all, didn't mean to thread-jack when
I first replied. I'm actually kinda surprised
to get so many responses. I'll go look at
some naked ladies for a while now.