Originally posted by chavos
there may be some danger in telling someone to go to the text to see Solomon's wisdom...it also documents his infidelity to God, breaking the Covenant. Ecclesiatus, which was probably not written by Solomon, does make good points for operative theism...that life works better with faith, and that may be all the proof you need. It's a good read no matter what, but i don't reccomend that people only read of the Wisdom tradition to see what faith is about...it leaves out a lot.
Good point chavos, Ecclesiastes is not the best place to start and it can be misread if you don't first have your faith in God firmly planted. But once that faith is there, it is a great book to be able to praise God for.
As for the author, that's a discussion for another forum. I would like to hear your evidence and reasoning as to who the author may be. I thought it was pretty clearly laid out, but new views and ideas are always welcome.
I set up a forum for that discussion, please join!
Author of Ecclesiastes Forum