Thread: Any joke
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Old 08-14-2003, 06:28 AM   #6 (permalink)
Location: NJ

A woman brings her parrot to the vet. It's obviously dead. Vet glances at it and says, sorry ma'am your bird is dead. She says, you barely even looked at him, please examine him. He says that an exam will cost $20. She agrees. He takes a few more minutes and checks over the bird. Then tells her there's nothing he can do.

She says "I want a second opinion." With that he brings a cat into the room and places it next to the bird. The cat looks over the parrot and shakes her head side to side.

The vet then brings a dog into the room. The dog climbs up on the table sniffs the bird and shakes his head.

The vet says "well there you have it. That will be $120." The woman cries, "But you just said it would be $20!!!" The vet replies, "Yes but that was before the cat scan and lab results."
Strive to be more curious than ignorant.
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