Part of the plan is a surprise party. Last year, school started on September 3rd, her birthday was on the 9th, and I had only first met her August 31st. She was friends with a couple sophomores who had been her mentors or whatnot, and they decided to throw a surprise party for her, and they wanted me to get her into the lounge at 10:00pm. I was already sort of dating her; I had never asked her out but we met the first day, totally hit it off, and became very close quite quickly. Anyway, I took her to dinner at a fun but not too expensive restaurant, then we went back to campus, and I knew it was still a little early, so I took her to the library. I didn't have a watch, so I had to find ways to sneak peaks at hers. Anyway, I got her to walk into the lounge with the waiting partyers at exactly 10, and she was completely surprised! (and happy - I got a kiss right there!)
She still blushes when I bring the night up, but vows to never fall for it again. I however, take that as a challenge, but I know she will never be surprised if it is on campus, so I am thinking of taking her to an art gallery or museum or something then to dinner - and have all our friends there.
I will still give her a nice present, but I also want some sort of surprise like that too. Something clever. male strippers.
'Charmant, respektlos, und immer betrunken.'