Originally posted by Alchoholic Hero
In all honesty, I'm suprised that no one's jumped on this yet.
The free will debate (debacle) is the thorn in the side of every philosopher this side of Plato: the realization that if something is omnipotent, or omnescient, rather, then the premise for free will goes down the drain: if the future can be known to anyone, be they celestial or not, then the free will of man cannot have any place in the scheme of things.
Isn't it plausible that in multiple futures the same event could happen? Like how I can get from Boston to New York in 80 different ways, maybe a single event would still happen no matter what events lead up to it. Sure this means that we're not in control of that event, but we can still be in control of the events leading up to that event.
I know that sounds deterministic (or at least compatibilistic) but I totally have a libertarian view of free will. Couldn't it be that we can freely chose some things but not others? Like how I can move a rock with my hand, but not a mountain.