best way 2 network about 6 or 7 pc that all run on diffrent windows from win 95 - xp.....i cant upgrade all 2 xp cuz some just dont have the ram. and dont wanna take xp off the one cuz xp is so easy 2 network with.....i used eithernet b4...and ive herd of normal phoneline networks.....and ive herd of other methods...i want file shareing....print sharing....and netsharing is possable.....but i wanna be able 2 make some comps only have sertain things...also some of the comps will need 2 run quickbooks but im ruing 2000 on some and 99 on 1 will they run 2 geter or do i need 2 upgrade my pc 2 sumtin that can run quick book 2k? any help will not looken for sumtin realy $$ cuz im small company but offerable but not sumtin that is a pain.....somoene lemme know how those phoneline networks work pls......are they easy 2 hook up and easy 2 us? comany has 3 phonelines for calls and 1 indepent line for the net. lemme know if i use one of those 3 lines for calls will call be able 2 come threw that line or will it be rapted up alll the time....and when i network how should i set it up so all the quickbooks programs are acressing the same file ever time so that its updated on everone soon as someone changes sumtin.....pls help im half decent with comps just not good with networking.....